Ranbir Kapoor has established himself as a versatile actor in Bollywood. From comedy to drama and even action, RK has done all kinds of movies, and his film Barfi particularly stands out. It was directed by Anurag Basu and has achieved cult status, but Sanjay Dutt does not approve of RK’s doing films like this. Ranbir played Sanjay in the latter’s biopic Sanju, and when he was visiting Dutt’s house after bagging the role, the senior actor reportedly mocked Kapoor for starring in Basu’s film. Scroll below for more.
Barfi was released in 2012 and became one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of the year in India and overseas. It featured Ranbir and Priyanka Chopra in lead roles alongside Ileana D’Cruz [in her Hindi film debut]. The film was selected as India’s official entry for the Best Foreign Language Film nomination for the 85th Academy Awards.
According to DNA via Indian Express, Sanjay Dutt jokingly told Ranbir Kapoor that he wanted to produce a movie starring him. However, RK’s excitement soon turned into embarrassment when Dutt told him he wanted to cast Ranbir in a film called Laddoo and continue making its sequels, Imarti, Jalebi, and Peda.
The report quoted Sanjay Dutt saying, “I watched Barfi! On TV recently. What made you do a film like that? You are playing me in the Sanjay Dutt biopic. I don’t know how they cast you.”
He further explained what kind of roles should be done by Ranbir Kapoor. Dutt continued, “You should be a macho man. Act in macho films. You can’t be doing films like Barfi!. You should be holding guns and doing action films. Do you think actors like me, Salman and Ajay would have been around for so many years if we had not played macho characters on screen? You have no connect with the masses and that is very important.”
On the professional front, Sanjay Dutt was last seen in the Telugu movie Double iSmart. Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor appeared in probably the most macho role of his career in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal, released in 2023.
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