Jo Jin Woong, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Kwang Soo, And More Enter High-Stakes Bounty Hunt In “No Way Out: The Roulette”

The highly-anticipated mystery thriller drama “No Way Out : The Roulette” has unveiled new stills ahead of its premiere! “No Way Out : The Roulette” depicts the fierce battle among individuals trapped in a high-stakes game with no way out. The series kicks off when a nationwide bounty of 20 billion won (approximately $14.4 million)… Continue reading Jo Jin Woong, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Kwang Soo, And More Enter High-Stakes Bounty Hunt In “No Way Out: The Roulette”

The post Jo Jin Woong, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Kwang Soo, And More Enter High-Stakes Bounty Hunt In “No Way Out: The Roulette” first appeared on Soompi.
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