Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon’s latest release, Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, has done much better than expected during its theatrical run. Carrying a minimal pre-release buzz, the film managed to cross the milestone of 100 crores gross at the worldwide box office and surprised everyone. However, it might just miss another big milestone that lies ahead. Keep reading to know more!
Reception of Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya
Directed by Amit Joshi and Aradhana Sah, TBMAUJ released in theatres on 9th February. Upon its release, the film opened to mixed reviews from critics. Surprisingly, the response from the ticket-buying audience was in favor, especially among the targeted young audiences. Then offers like ‘Buy 1 Get 1 free’ gave a bit of a push. Other than that, occasions like Valentine’s Day and Cinema Lovers Day also helped the film.
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya at the worldwide box office
Talking about the box office update, the rom-com stands at 80.33 crores net at the Indian box office, which is much beyond the pre-release expectations. In gross, it equals 94.78 crores. In the overseas market, the film did a business of 40 crores gross and is already a success there. Combining both Indian and overseas gross, the worldwide collection stands at 134.78 crores gross.
Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya fell below the 1 crore mark during the third week, and it’s currently running in the fourth week. As the film is still playing in a decent number of shows, it’ll keep churning out some numbers, but the total won’t be that huge. In overseas, too, the rom-com has slowed down, so it won’t be adding much to its tally.
So, from the current position, it seems that the film might just miss the milestone of 150 crores gross by an inch at the worldwide box office. Nonetheless, the result is much better as no one expected it even to cross 100 crores gross.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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