Animal, starring Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna, and Bobby Deol in leading roles, is close to entering its third week. But footfalls continue to rain at the ticket windows. It looks like Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial will make the most until the arrival of Dunki and Salaar at the box office. Scroll below for early estimates on day 13.
Till day 12, Animal has added total earnings of 461.50 crores at the Indian box office. Despite entering the second week, the film has stayed above the 10 crore mark. It is witnessing one of the best runs a Bollywood movie has ever witnessed. In fact, on some days, the collections have been better than Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan and Pathaan when compared day-to-day.
Animal Day 13 Early Estimates
There was hardly a drop of 8% in advance booking collection today when compared to yesterday’s 2.85 crores. That was a hint enough that the film has maintained its strong pace and will remain in the vicinity of 10 crores on the second Wednesday as well.
And the film totally lived up to the expectations. In fact, one wouldn’t be shocked if it goes way past it, given the trend in the past few days. As per the latest trends flowing in, Animal has added box office collection in the range of 9-10.50 crores on day 13.
The total collections will now land somewhere around 470.50-472 crores after the conclusion of the second Wednesday.
Animal vs Dunki vs Salaar
The days of wrapping up are around the corner. Animal has enjoyed a glorious run at the ticket windows since December 1, 2023. The film witnessed a box office clash with Vicky Kaushal starrer Sam Bahadur. However, it dominated since the opening day and won the box office battle in no time.
Starting December 21, 2023, Shah Rukh Khan led Dunki will create havoc at the box office with its big release. The hype is massive, and it will dominate major screen counts across the nation. If that isn’t enough, Prabhas’ Salaar is also arriving on December 22, 2023. The two biggies will surely impact Ranbir Kapoor’s film in a massive way.
While Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film is expected to keep adding collections, the numbers will majorly reduce. So it is crucial for the action drama to garner the maximum possible earnings within this upcoming week.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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