After Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan is all set to return to the big screen with Atlee’s Jawan. After teasing fans with the prevue, the makers dropped the official trailer a few days back, which has been hailed by one and all. As fans have been waiting with bated breath, SRK recently conducted #AskMeAnything on Twitter and his replies have been doing the rounds of social media. Recently, he made headlines when he reacted to a user’s question of him asking about ‘real and corporate booking.’ Now, KRK has given his take on the same.
A self-proclaimed critic recently reacted to a user’s Tweet who asked him to explain about SRK using the corporate booking technique. Here’s what he said.
When a user ask KRK, “KRK भाई पहले तुम corporate booking पे video बनाओ और बताओ कि SRK जैसी technique बाक़ी के stars क्यूँ नहीं कर रहे है ?” he re-tweeted and wrote, “That is the power and value of #SRK! Why will any company buy tickets for any other flop actor? इसको आप ऐसे भी समझ सकते हो, कि Ambani, Adani, Modi जी के कहने से किसी भी काम को ज़रूर करेंगे, लेकिन Manoj Tiwari के कहने से नहीं!”
Reacting to the same a SRK user wrote, “Yes Power and popularity of #SRK is worldwide. #Jawan another Blockbuster from him getting loaded.”
While another said, “SRK name is enough,” a third netizen wrote, “Manoj Tiwari be like… Mujhe kyu toda”
The fourth netizen wrote, “Bhai par woh fir b corporate booking nhi hai…Corporate booking woh hai jaha producers khud ticket buy karte…This tickets are brought by brands for their products marketing and Employee satisfaction purpose… They associate mostly with big brands like KjO movies or #SRK movies.”
Manoj Tiwari 🤣🤣🤣 sahi pelte ho bhai jaan
— SRKian – The religion (@IamNAEEM1989) September 4, 2023
Another said, “See i don’t know that whether they are doing coperate booking or not But there are many reasons for which it can be turned out ver beneficial. Because he can do this to increase his brand value and once its done than they could cover the loss and gain profit by doing big brand ads.”
See i don’t know that whether they are doing coperate booking or not
But there are many reasons for which it can be turned out ver beneficial
Because he can do this to increase his brand value and once its done than they could cover the loss and gain profit by doing big brand ads— Flora Musk (@MuskFlora) September 4, 2023
But Jo money company Ads ke X ko deti ab vo ticket buy kar ke de rahi hai so indirectly X hi kharid raha hai…. Baki star money le rahe hai Ads ke aur X ticket buy kara hai companies se…. Bat to same hi hai… Money lo ya fir movie ke ticket….
— Prakash kasana (@GudduKasana) September 4, 2023
Meanwhile, Jawan is all set to hit the big screens on September 7.
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The post Ahead Of Jawan’s Release, KRK Calls It Power & Value Of Shah Rukh Khan After A User Asks Him To Explain SRK’s ‘Corporate Booking Technique’: “…Manoj Tiwari Ke Kehne Se Nahi” appeared first on Koimoi.
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