Ranbir Kapoor had often made headlines owing to his personal life. Recently, his previous love life again made headlines when his mother and actress Neetu Kapoor shared a cryptic Insta story that netizens thought was a dig at his ex-lover – Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif. Soon netizens had a field job as they dug RK, DP and Kat’s old interview talking about love and heartbreak. In today’s throwback piece, we bring you a story of the time when Katrina had opened up about her fear of heartbreak.
After being head-over-heels in love, Kat and RK broke up in 2016. While the duo continues to be cordial with each other, they moved on and got married to the love of their lives. Scroll down to read about today’s throwback piece!
Throwback to when Katrina Kaif opened up about how the anticipation of heartbreak was her only fear. The Phone Bhoot actress had once told GQ, “My greatest fear is that if and when I get married and I am standing at the altar or the mandap, he (Ranbir) may not love me completely. That he may not know his mind well enough to be making those commitments. The anticipation of heartbreak is my only fear.”
Katrina Kaif had also opened up about her rough relationship with Ranbir Kapoor’s parents. In the same interview she had added, “I am not as close to Ranbir’s family as I would like. But I would like to hang out with them more. Family would be a defining factor when I make the decision to marry. I am a very responsive person. So, if my partner gives me what I need, I can be the best girlfriend you can wish for.”
Katrina married Vicky Kaushal in 2021, while Alia and RK got married in an intimate ceremony in April 2022. The Kapoor couple is currently co-parenting their newborn girl Raha Kapoor.
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