In a matter of seven months, Taapsee Pannu would be having her third Hindi film arrive straight on OTT. In July 2021, she came up with Haseen Dillruba. Then in October 2021 it was time for Rashmi Rocket and now on 4th February, her Looop Lapeta would be arriving. Amongst her two releases so far, Haseen Dillruba set a record for Netflix as it was one of the most watched Bollywood films on their platform. This was also a film for which Taapsee along with writer Kanika Dhillon played on the front-foot when it came to defending it from criticism.
Now that Looop Lapeta is arriving, one waits to see how big does it open on Netflix. It would be relying on word of mouth though as the opening viewership numbers are not expected to be on the same lines as Haseen Dillruba. The Aanand L. Rai production was still more commercial in appeal and had the kind of set up that appealed to a larger audience base. Of course, it was an adult subject too but then nothing like conventional Bollywood audiences hadn’t seen in the past. Moreover, its spicy appeal meant that there were more takers to begin with.
In comparison, Looop Lapeta has a far more international look and feel, and in particular it appeals to the kind of audience which wants its cinema to have European influence. That’s on the expected lines too as the promo indicates that director Akash Bhatia has not just made an official remake of German film Run Lola Run here but also experimented big time with trippy camerawork and sound design. As a result, while for niche audience looking for offbeat stuff there is something definitely unique in the offering, for the rest it’s going to be wait-n-watch.
While early reviews for the film could well be mixed, one can well foresee Taapsee being on the front-foot all over again when it comes to taking the film further in front of the audience.
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