Eijaz Khan revived his fame with Bigg Boss 14. The actor had previously won hearts with projects like Kkavyanjali and Kyaa Hoga Nimmo Kaa. But he eventually went missing from the Television screens and his career dwindled. He also made a huge controversy when he admitted to cheating on National Television. But it seems that wasn’t for Anita Hassanandani.
As most know, Eijaz and Anita met on the sets of Kkavyanjali. The duo struck the chords in no time and began dating. Things turned upside down months after and the couple broke up in 2010. There were also rumours that Canadian actress Natalie Di Luccio was the reason behind it.
Eyeballs were raised when Eijaz Khan appeared on Rajeev Khandelwal’s show Juzz Baat in 2019 and opened about his regrets. He confessed that he once cheated on his girlfriend and that’s the biggest mistake of his life. Many thought he was referring to Anita Hassanandani but that wasn’t really the case.
Clarifying the same, Eijaz Khan told TOI, “Let me clarify this, that lady (former girlfriend) is not a part of the industry. That lady is/was not or never will be a part of the public domain. So, I didn’t take her name. Some portals just speculated and started popping out every other day on my Google News. And, I said, ‘What the hell? I didn’t take any names.’ So, why I admitted it on Bigg Boss is because I was living in a fool’s paradise at one point where I was justifying all my wrongs. How does a person become better than he or she was yesterday?”
Eijaz Khan continued, “I was on a public platform, I accepted my mistake. I did not take any bl**dy name and all the names that you (entertainment portals) are taking are wrong and I find it very very disrespectful to me. Every other day, a portal brings up my name and another name, which is wrong.”
Well, all’s well that ends well and we’re glad that Eijaz clarified the confusion!
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