Deepika Padukone made her Bollywood debut with Om Shanti Om in 2007 opposite Shah Rukh Khan. The film was directed by Farah Khan and did incredibly well at the box office. Deepika received immense praise and love from critics as well as fans for her performance in Om Shanti. And in a recent interview, DP recalled the 2005 Mumbai floods experience and how she was stuck at a friends place and survived it there. Scroll below to read the scoop.
It was July 26, 2005, when Mumbai came to a standstill. The city received heavy rainfall which led to a lot of chaos and thousands of homes were destroyed in the same calamity. Not just that, a lot of people lost their lives too and sharing her story, Deepika revealed that she had to walk through waist-deep water to make it to her friends’ place.
In a conversation with Mashable India, Deepika Padukone said, “I got stuck in the floods. In 2005, I was studying in an acting school in Juhu. When we came out of class, we found out that the whole Khar and Santacruz area was completely submerged. Me and my friends walked in waist-deep water. I lived in Andheri and I couldn’t go back home because that whole area was flooded.”
Deepika Padukone further added, “My friends were kind enough to offer me to stay the night because they lived close by. Having said that, I think it took us two or three hours just to go from Ajivasan to Linking Road (around 1.5 kilometres). We were all holding on to the divider and walking. Obviously, it was scary because there could have been live wires or manholes.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, the 36-year-old actress was recently seen in Gehraiyaan which was released on February 11th, 2022 on Amazon Prime Video. The film also stars Ananya Panday, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Dhairya Karwa in pivotal roles.
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